Blood Reds and Oceanic Blues: Looking at Color in Film
Film is a medium that combines so many elements to present one work to the viewer. It’s made of images, sound (or lack of sound), movement, color, performance, and so much more. Looking more in-depth at color in film proves that the variances in pigment on screen yield emotional responses and resonate with the themes of the movie. I’ve always been a fan of really dramatic instances of color that set films apart from standard and bland Hollywood fare. That’s not to say that blockbuster films can’t have incredible colorful visual components, however. It’s just not usually the focal point of your average Fast and the Furious vehicle. I love when filmmakers really attempt to connect the viewer to the characters through specific color palettes. It's details like this, that while clearly visible, can often go unnoticed by someone casually viewing a movie. Amélie (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001) When you think of color in film, Amélie is generally a great jumping off point. The pale...